PoK - Proof of Knowlege
Knowledge is power.
Last updated
Knowledge is power.
Last updated
This page briefly descibes Proof of Knowledge. For more in depth information and tutorials, please visit the Pok Gitbook linked above.
Pok is an advanced AI-based search system that offers a brand new method to quantify and value knowledge - the kEngram (kE). kE are an onchain data object that both maintains an unbreakable chain of provenance and tracks its usage by AI within the knowledge market. Usage of kE is to be incentivised with the $KNOW token.
Pok utilises a cryptographic proof that attests to the creation of an kEngram. kE are organised into indexes of knowledge called Brains. The index system is used to maintain an updated embedding set which can Pok can use to locate specific kEngrams as per query requirements. Each substantial interaction with a kE sends usage data to Pok which can be used to determine incentives, in a system we coin the "Knowledge Market".
As a fundamental building block towards a fully-fledged knowledge-backed economy, the Pok protocol offers a comprehensive framework to fuel intellectual contribution and foster an environment of continuous learning and knowledge exchange.